pdc diamondbit
1) Bitprofile is optimized and is suitable for drilling soft to mediumformations.
2) Cutting structure is force balanced, bit blade isasymmetrically designed, and spiral blade and spiral gage are also designed sothat the load on bit is balanced which resulting better stability of thepdc bit.
3) Multiple types of high performance PDC cutters are strategicallyarranged on bit for improved service life of the bit.
4) Shock absorbers aredesigned to make the bit capable of drilling through formations with hardstringers.
5) Hydraulic system of the bit is optimized using dynamic flowpattern simulation technology to enhance cleaning and cooling effects of the bitto effectively prevent bit from balling.
6) Erosion on bit surface iseffectively prevented by utilizing hardfacing material of highly erosionresistant and applying advanced base metal enhancement technology.
7) Portson bit are also optimally designed to prevent erosion of water courses insidethe pdc bit.
New design PDC bits, good performance
Our current product list asbelow:
1. Impregnated diamond core bits
2. Surface set DiamondBits(coring bits and non-coring bits)
3. Casing(Rod) shoes/Casing bits
4. Reaming shells
5. PDC bits (coring or non-coring)
6. Corelifters, core lifter cases
7. Diamond circle wrench
8. Core barrel andaccessories, BQ, NQ, HQ and PQ(Inner & Outer Tube, Head assembly, Locking
Coupling, Adaptor Coupling, Inner Tube Stabilizer Ring, Landing Ring,Landing Shoulder etc)
9. NQ&HQ overshot.
10. BQ, NQ, HQ, PQ, NT, HT,PT drill rods and BW, NW, HW, PW casing.
11. Drag bits and tricone bits.
4.1/2",4.3/4", 5.1/8", 5.5/8", 5.7/8", 6.1/4", 6.3/4", 6.5/8" 7.3/8" etc. PCD bits areavaiable.